Workspace Settings
Workspace Settings control the settings for the workspace you are currently working in. Use the cog icon
to navigate to the Settings page to access these Workspace Settings:
- Search Results Templates
- Layouts
- Fields
- Annotation Statuses
- Annotation Types
- Comment Types
Search Results Templates
Use this page to view the list of existing templates, both Shared and Private. The list contains the template name and creator's username and can be sorted by template name. Click a list item to see the basic information (Read Only) displayed for the selected template:
- Template Name
- Visibility type – Shared/Private
- Available and Selected field list
- Selected fields display all the fields in scope for the template.
- The available field list has all the remaining fields available apart from the ones already considered as 'Selected fields.'
- Both sections have a text search filter.
- Available fields – Select All/Searchable/Default stream filter and ability to bulk add the corresponding filtered list to selected fields.
Create a template
Create a new template by entering this information:
- Template Name – Unique, Mandatory and Max 50 characters
- 'Selected Fields' section will have control Number by default.
- User can add more fields from the 'Available fields' section to 'Selected Fields' relevant to the template that is getting created.
- Visibility – Shared/Private
- Any user with access to the workspace can access shared templates.
- Private templates can be only accessed by the creator.
Once created, the template will be available in the document grid view. You can edit an existing template detail – name, selected fields list, and visibility.
You can view the list of existing layouts (both shared and Private). The list contains the layout name and the creator's username and can be sorted by layout name. On clicking a list item, the basic information (Read Only) will be displayed for the selected layout:
- Layout Name
- Visibility type – Shared/Private
- Sections and the selected fields under that section
- Available field list - We will have all the remaining fields available apart from the ones already considered as 'Selected fields.'
Create a layout
Create a new template by entering this information:
- LAYOUT NAME – Unique, Mandatory, and Max 50 characters
- Visibility – SHARED/PRIVATE
- Any user with access to the workspace can access shared layouts.
- The creator can only access private layouts.
- SECTION – Unique within a layout, at least one mandatory and Max 50 characters
The fields can be dragged and dropped into their respective sections from the 'Available Fields' List. A field can be associated with only one section. The Coding Summary can be turned on or off. If turned off, the coding summary won't display for that layout in the coding layout section in document activities. Once created, the layout will be available in the coding layout section of Document Activities. You can edit an existing layout detail – layout name, section name, selected fields list, layout visibility (only for the ones created by the user) and show/hide coding summary. You can also copy a layout, make incremental changes, then save it as a new layout.
You can view the list of existing fields created in DART.
Create a New Field
You can also create a new field with the following attributes:-
- Field Name - Unique, Mandatory and Max 50 characters
- Type
- Single choice
- You can select only one choice from the list of choices assigned to the field.
- Single choice
- Multiple choice
- You can select multiple choices from the list of choices assigned to the field.
- Supports nesting of choices up to 3 hierarchy levels
- Multiple choice
- Yes/No
- Can have only two choice options. By default, the Yes and No choice labels are applied.
- If required, the choice label can be customized. However, it is recommended to be used for binary values – true/false, privileged/not privileged etc.
- Yes/No
Future Item – Targeted for KDI MVP release: System Restriction to have only unique choice names within a field (at relativity level)
You can edit field name, add/remove choice, change choice name and rearrange choice order. Choice can be removed only if they have not been applied in any of the documents.
Annotation Statuses
- User should be able to view the list of the predefined annotation status as well as any user defined custom status
- Predefined annotation statuses that would be available by default are:-
- New
- Accepted
- Exported
- Rejected
- Predefined annotation statuses that would be available by default are:-
- You can add new status – Unique and Max 50 characters
- You can edit the custom status name
- You can delete custom status
Annotation Types
Annotation Type can be used to segregate annotations per the relevant project. You can:
- add a new type Name– Unique and Max 50 characters
- view the list of the user-defined annotation types
- edit the type name
- delete an annotation type
Comment Types
You can add new comment type by entering :
- Name: Unique and Max 50 characters
- Display in Relativity – Turn on or off
- If Display in Relativity is turned on, select the relativity groups for which the comments will be visible from the list of groups.
Use this page to view the list of the existing comment types along with the Relativity visibility indicator or delete a comment type.