Create a New Collection


Use this article to Create a New Collection from the Explore > Collections panel. Click the plus sign at the top of the Explore Panel to display the Create Collection panel.

A Collection consists of document IDs grouped together and given a name. Unlike a Saved Search in Relativity, DART NXT collections are "static," meaning that they cannot be based on criteria that changes over time, for example, new documents added. In a new DART NXT project, no collections are created by default. DART NXT users create all DART NXT collections. Create a new collection by clicking the + sign in the Explore panel. After you enter a Collection Name and select a Collection Location, you must add at least one condition. Once a collection is created, you can change its name or location.

Once all the required collection creation criteria is added, validate the criteria by clicking the VALIDATE button. You can randomly add a subset from:

  • All active documents
  • From a specific collection

After successful validation, you can navigate to the optional sampling criteria under the Sampling tab. Here, you can create a random subset from the selected documents either by entering a subset count less than the selected count or by entering a percentage value on the selected count to be considered for the subset.

The Summary tab shows the validation results with a NOTES area that allows entry for up to 2000 characters.

Basic Information

Under the Criteria tab of Create Collection, enter the following information:

NAME must be unique to the DART NXT system. If this name has already been used, a warning message will display.

LOCATION is the existing collection folder in which the new collection will reside. The folders available for location selection are the same as on the Explore panel.

SHARED or PRIVATE refers to the visibility of the collection. A shared collection cannot be created under a private collection folder.

Collection Criteria Formula

The criteria formula appears in the Collection Criteria Formula panel as you add conditions or groups. Formula criteria can be entered as a single condition by clicking ADD CONDITION or as a group by clicking ADD GROUP. In the Collection Criteria Formula, the Condition group is represented by parentheses and has precedence in the logical statement. Boolean operators connect conditions: OR, AND, NOT. The default condition operator is OR. The Collection Criteria Formula instantaneously reflects the criteria added for collection creation. Added collection criteria can be rearranged or regrouped using the drag-and-drop functionality. Add related group criteria at the CONDITION level, the condition GROUP level, and at the entire collection criteria level.

NOTE: The documents already part of the collection criteria are not be considered while adding a subset. You can add the related group criteria again after sampling.

Collection Criteria

Collection criteria specifies the types of information you want to include in a new collection.

Add conditions

You can add the following conditions to a new collection via the ADD CONDITION button:

  • Collection
  • Relativity Folder
  • Saved Search
  • Document IDs
  • Coding
  • Search History


You can select one or more DART NXT collections or collection folders to be added as criteria. If a collection folder is selected, all the collections that reside inside this directory or in any sub-folders are considered. Multiple selections can be associated with OR/AND operators within a condition or between conditions.

Relativity Folder

You can select one or more Relativity folders. If sub-Relativity folders are selected, the subfolders appear under the selected folder as part of the criteria. The combination can only be OR because a document can only exist in one source relativity folder.

Saved Search

You can select one or more Relativity Saved Searches or Saved Search folders to be added as criteria. If a Saved Search folder is selected, all the Saved Search items residing in that directory or in any of the subfolders will be considered for the criteria. Multiple selections can be associated with OR/AND operators within a condition or between conditions.

Document IDs

You can add multiple documents as a Collection Criteria by entering the comma-separated document IDs (Control number) or uploading a .txt file containing document IDs which can be comma separated or in separate lines.

The document ID is the identifier in the workspace (unique property, for example). The modal dynamically displays the field name/DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER, (Control Number, for example), similarly displaying Doc ID, Bates Number, and so on.

The DOCUMENT METHOD options are Enter IDs in the text area as comma separated or one ID to a line.  Selecting Upload IDs displays an UPLOAD button for selecting a file to upload. After upload, the file name displays next to the UPLOAD button.


You can select the layout and the fields for which the choices need to be added as criteria. The association between fields and choice depends on the selected OR/AND operator. When using the OR condition, the selected fields and selected choices inside the fields have OR associations between them. In the AND condition case, the selected fields have AND associations between them. The selected choices under each will have an AND association for multi-value choice fields. Yes/No or Single choice fields are restricted to only one choice since these fields cannot have an AND association between their choices. NOTE: Search History criteria selection during collection creation is an (Upcoming functionality in 2022 Q4 end)

Search History

You can select one or more search history terms to be added as criteria.

Add a Group of Conditions

The ADD GROUP button adds a group of conditions.

The following example shows how you might add a condition and group:

Re-Order Condition Rows

Use the grab tool to reorder condition rows and condition grouping to change the logic order and groupings.

Collection Criteria Validation

Click the VALIDATE button to ensure that your collection includes the criteria that you want.

Sampling Criteria

Click the Sampling tab to open the Sampling Criteria panel, which displays how many documents and types are accepted into the new collection in the Collection Criteria Validation table.

Enter your Sampling Criteria and click the NEXT button (on top).


Once you set up all collection Criteria and Sampling, those settings are all displayed on the Summary page.

If everything looks correct, click Save; otherwise, click the Criteria or Sampling tabs to make changes as necessary.